Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Ok i know i'm suppose to be studying ... but look wad i'm doing man... i'm so distracted... i guess i am in hols day mood right now... and i can't wait to get back on sat and attend my best bud's b'day, it's been months since i've seen them... and oh the food yum.. it's wonderful i miss all the food back home... and i'm definately going to do some exercise and lots and lots of salsa...

Exams have started and it's not been pretty good.. i just hope that i'll pull through this time round... i found that the papers were rather difficult and stuff so you know lah... DIE ALREADY... my fave line...

I've been hanging out quite abit with a new friend... she's quite cool... i feel that we are somehow able to talk and stuff... so i'm glad that i gotta know her.. heh... you know who i'm talking about don't have to say... oh man if your reading this right now!! i wish i knew you earlier... hanging out with you it's fun man! you crack the hell outta me.... gonna miss you when i head back home next week... heh... plus your nice perfume smell... hahahaha.... *sniff sniff*

Bought lotsa food today... just in the buying mode think i'm stressed... that's why... and nice pineapple tarts that are halal and gave some to ross and idah and of course my dearest shaah... haha hari raya is coming up and deska and ross won't be able to make it in time so i figured let them have some of this to cheer them up and stuff...

ok so it's 2 more papers and 2 more to go... don't know how i'm actually gonna cramp all the bloody facts into my small head... 2 heavy units in a day... wad the hell... argh... oh well

Alet and i were chatting and we were discussing how much we miss each other and BACHATA... our BACHATA SONG... we're the "lesbians" in the group hahaha cause we're the only 2 that dance together when the bachata song comes up not to forget the salsa and the merengue as well... yeah babe!!! hahahaha *muah* hahaha ALET i know your blushing now hehehe....

ok lah i think i better get back to work before i get more nagging from my dearest friends over here... till next time
