Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Alet post this one her blog so i thought of doing it just for fun.. :)

Your Brain is 86.67% Female, 13.33% Male

You have the brain of a girly girl

Which isn't a bad thing at all

You're emphatetic, caring, and in tune with emotions.

You're a good friend and give great advice.

Pissing my ass off

These days i've been so bloody pissed with myself you'll just never ever know!! i feel so stupid especially after the 2 mid sems which i'm so gonna FAIL again!!! i just can't take 2 test in a day... let alone 3 test in a week. I have one more coming up this friday i kinda know what the results would be already so yeah... what's new... i have to work my shit of just to PASS! This is what you get with a small head... brain matter comes small as well together with the nice package.

Don't really feel like talking much to anyone now a days.. no mood to socialize... so if i don't really respond you know why.. i really hope i can get through this semester without failing anything... everythings is fail fail fail FUCK! i'm damn pissed...

i'm quite glad that i live in college sometimes... some of the girls here are so sweet. Eunice knew i was super stressed out and she bought me diet ice tea... haha she remembered that i love tea and i didn't really like sweet drinks. The drink was still quite sweet though... but oh well i drank everything cause i was super duper touched... lol. A few days ago was chigusa she left a small note with a packet of green tea.. i was shocked to see it at my door didn't expect it. It taste yummy as well... i'm gonna bring lots when i get back from sing. Hot tea is nice at night or anytime of the day. And Finally Lucy she bought me my fav jester's pie muhahahahhaha.. just before the test yesterday... i'm planning to go back to sing and get her something nice to show my appreciation. lol. Thanks for all the sweet notes on my door too!!! really appreciate you guys.. *muah*

Yesterday was worst day i've had so far. apart from the fucking tests.. my stupid left eye kept twitching i hate it!!!!!! it makes me to concious of something bad's gonna happen. but oh well what to do. bad luck means bad luck. I didn't know that i was that tired as well. i wanted to catch "That old feeling" i think it was the title on tv but i fell asleep in the process... so the tv and the main light was left on the whole night. :s and shaah thought i was like still up watching tv.. when in fact i was fast asleep... everything basically fell of the bed after that... including my specs cause i had trouble looking for it in the morning.



Sunday, April 17, 2005

Me and my cutie pie!!! he's major cute!!!

This is totally the happiest day of this semester so far... look at the bloody pic and you'd know why lol!!! Thanks AIDA, ROSS AND SARAH!! especially sarah cause if she didn't push me... like hell it wouldn't have happend... this beats the river cruise or whatever clubbing experiences time 100 or infinity... Oh and not forgetting Chea she helped out alot too *hugz*




Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Week 6 of Uni

Hmm wondering how come i've not updated my blog for quite sometime?

It's not that i've not been doing it, the last time i did it the bloody thing timed out so yeah not my fault cause i wrote too long.. and well didn't really save the thing so there you go..

This week operation damien is gonna end soon.. i'm giving up... there'll never be a day where we can meet either that my friend would not be there to intro us... not fated argh!!! he's still so bloody cute i can't stand it!!!

anyway went for deska's treat thing on sat. it was at mill's point. something new for the whole bunch of us cause we've not taken the ferry bus thing across the river to south perth usually it's just bus bus and more bus and sometimes car... the whether was pretty good i should say i think i got a tan from there.. we had bbq and the good was alright. i was missing chicken sausages though... haven't had time in quite awhile. we just sat talked laughed ate and took lots and lots and lots of pictures... lol... i'll upload them some other time... when i feel like it muhahahahaha!!!

I think i'm started to get stress again.. More tests are coming up and i've gotta start revision soon if not that's the end of phelicia siow's education!!! pissing pissing pissing...

oh on sunday was soccer... st cat's girls played great.. though i felt that only a few of the ppl are doing the job kinda thing so yeah. group coordination not really good... i guess cause they've never really trained in a group as a whole so that's pretty bad.. i hope this week would be better though... i get to see SHANKS again :P

anyway trying to sort out my revision... BE is really taking up alot of my time i've been spending too much time on it already... but what to do i'm having a tough time on it... it's actually quite easy but the way the lectures are given i don't understand it... it's all over the place and sometimes the lecturer goes back to previous places... he doesn't state exactly where...

Oh just got an eye infection today... stupid eyes again FOREVER MAN!!!i just feel like killing it sometimes... but that's the only source for my vision so yeah what to do cannot do anything about it also... medication cost me 23bucks lucky i can claim my doc's fee... bloody one visit didn't even do much like that already 27bucks wtf can just kill myself...

OK will be updating pics on mutiply soon.. so go have a look when free bubu


Saturday, April 02, 2005

happy april fools. some men are just jerks.

when the clock striked midnight on the 1st of april, it was time for a little game to begin. Our 2 dearest friends Deska and Sarah were born on APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!! before that time, i was thinking what interesting things could be organised had this idea of a little hunt for them but didn't really mention it. While we "gathered" in the tut room to "watch" laws of attraction diana went out to finish decorating the cards we got for them. And she suddenly suggested that we should have a scavenger hunt for the both of them. i was like great!! that was what i had in mind as well. so we all went up to shaah's room to think of riddles and clues to make them solve.

So back to the hunt. sarah and deska were really quick and we had 2 cameras following them there were 3 hints altogether and they managed to find the clues quite well good job i should say... it took them about 10 to 15 mins. All final clues led them back to the tut room again.. while we prepared the cake and some decorations. while waiting outside, guess what they saw? 2 naked men knocking at the front door of our college... these guys were definately from trinity.. it was like freaking cold outside... they couldn't have come from a far. they made sure the they got the attention of the ppl who weren't in the tut room, waved and ran off... i think that it was some dare or something... this is the 2nd time a naked men sighting has happened this semester.. oh well these men have got nothing better to do so oh well...

After cutting the cake and talking and laughing really hard, deska's dad called up to go to her bro's place which was at trinity... :S anyway wanting to walk over there, we went as a group it felt like abit of an adventure as it was threatening to rain and the sprinklers were on. so we had to walk through some of the bushes in order not to get wet. along the way in trinity, at one of the benches, sat 2 drunked men... yelling "I LOVE YOU!!!!" to us.. being the crazy bunch we yelled back " I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" i tell you if this were to happen in singapore, they'll go "siao ah, mad ppl" but what goes on in perth stays in perth... all for the fun of it anyway.

So dropped deska off and it was back to college... sat for awhile and laughed again while shaah was going crazy taking pictures of every damn thing... it was so much so that we were kinda gettting alittle annoyed but oh well.. without her there won't be much fun either. we retired to our rooms at about 1plus and on our way back bronwin, sarah, diana and me spotting something along the pathway that connects prescott and the main buliding, it was an owl!!! too bad shaah wasn't here if not we could have taken a picture of it. as the pathway was enclosed, the owl was kinda stucked cause i guess it came in through the holes below the panel and didn't know how to get out. so browin tried to open the door to let it out but it panicked so it hit the plastic panel really hard. twice. one of the other college mates were there as well so her friend decided to take her jacket off and throw it over the owl so it wouldn't panick as much and browin carefully carried the owl out to the garden.. it was quite sweet of her. and yeah i was glad too... cause i was almost about to scream when it flew over me.. but oh well great night.

Next topic some men are just jerks, i have a friend who's bf is such a bloody fucker that i feel like kicking him... she has been verbally and mentally abused by the dickhead thousands of times yet i still don't understand why she puts up with it.. what a waste of time an effort... either it's just the comfort zone calling or i don't know LOVE? which i definately dont' believe. i woudn't dare say that i will never do such things but if someone treats you this bad PLEASE leave him. she knows how i feel towards this but oh well i'm done repeating whatever i have said i will just do my part by being there for her when she needs me. so you know who you are just gimme a call.

As for my love life... nothing going on at the moment. just wanting to get to know this guy from across the street... not having much fate lately but patience is always good. and whocares if nothing happens.. at least i made a new friend or like sarah said " you'll never regret that you didn't even speak to him" lol so coming to perth has pushed me to make things happen which is always good cause it's the learning process of being self confident and independent. If i really like him i'll even TELL HIM! that is if we get to know each other better. I JUST DON'T LIKE PPL NOT SAYING ANYTHING WHEN THEY LIKE SOME OTHER PPL. PPL DON'T READ MINDS IF YOU LIKE SOMEONE JUST SAY IT! anyway that's all for me for now.. i gotta go see my wing tutor till next time

pheli out!