Sunday, February 04, 2007

well lets just say that this has been the most happening week i've had... it's like somebody being under house arrest and suddenly being set free. went out again last night with the perth gang tons of fun and laughter as usual. And yes ended up at St james powerhouse... danced till my feet ached.. i've been out on heels since 3pm so what did ya expect...

This has been the fastest CNY shopping i've ever had in a long while bought 2 tops from future state and that pretty much settles everything. Honestly i HATE CNY i don't know why but i just do... i find it rather meaningless.. in fact i find alot of things meangless now adays.... the only thing i'm looking forward to is my ang pow money! don't know how broke i feel at present moment.

So anyway.. i can say that among the many rooms there are in powerhouse. i've only been to 3. the boiler room is the R&B room, the DJ not as good as Double O i should say.. i guess it's cause some of the music i don't really like and plus my feet were aching so badly.. i felt i needed clutches. They have a live band there, i can say that the singers can really sing although i thought that the volume was abit too loud, but oh well... I didn't think the crowd was too happy with them performing though i kinda thought that they wanted to dance to music spun by the DJ rather than listen to these chics sing and strut their stuff on stage.. but whatever works i guess..

I'm really glad that j enjoyed herself, especially to the arab music.. the past few times i've been there i've always thought that she would definately like it at movida.. and i guess i was right :)

After St James.. i met up with my dearest friend along with 2 of her other guy friends at newton and we had supper. well it's more of me eating and them watching since they've kinda eaten already. but yeah... both guys studies in Aust and it was really nice that i got to talk about my experiences again with people who actually have a clue of what i'm talking about. I've been actually missing perth quite abit so i guess i was really happy that i got to talk about it well at least it was the common topic for that night :D

this coming week... i might just hibernate... take a break from all the so called "happening" activities... ahah!

sis claims that i lead a havoc life... hur hur hur
