I need to rant...
i just don't understand why do i care and even bother about those people who have made my life miserable.. in fact why am i even letting them make my life miserable. what is the point?
i guess i just fall too easily in the trap that is called friendship and maybe am too trusting for my liking.. i'm not saying that i'm all that innocent and so angelic that i'm always right. of course i do things that are wrong once in a while but i learn from it and make an effort to change.
but some people are just backstabbers i just don't get how the whole world works.. i've just seen an encountered too many one after the other.. especially in the working world.. but you know what that's how most humans succeed. does that mean i have to be one of those too? constantly acting nice in front of others while hating them like hell inside? what's the point of being so nice to someone if you don't like them, or you just have to say something bad about that person for no outright reason.. seriously? oh wait! of course i know the answer.. so you can make use and manipulate them you your liking! ah see i get the idea...
i'm not dumb... i know almost every possible reason and action there is in the book for people who carry such charateristics. It's like reading a story book over and over and over again and again. It's actually getting rather boring.. but such human beings just tend to pop out every where it's like some secret factory manufacturing these robots that act and think the same.. i should just find that mad scientist and kill him to end such population once and for all. No wonder writers came up with the story of "MEAN GIRLS" it really depicts most aspects of life that people face on a daily basis and all those reality shows which have become a little over produced... Most humans think that they would mature with age.. of course they do to a certain extent like your skin starts to wrinkle and you can't fit into those kids and teens department, but this huge characteristic plays a big part in the word childish... i guess it's also associated with the word insecure.
i sometimes feel that humans are the most disgusting creatures on earth... i think we can beat all those man eating animals to it hands down
why must the world work like this? i just don't get it.
a few more weeks and it's time to face tons of people like that out there.. i'm SO! not looking forward to it.