Tuesday, November 01, 2005


i just wonder how much my body can take... i feel it's all pumped up with caffine which is not a very good thing but do i even have a choice... sleeping habits are getting abit bad... often waking up in shock... i tend to wake up at 6 something now adays due to the season change... the sun rises rather early... sleeping at around 2 and waking up at 6 is driving me nuts... i can't go back to sleep again cause it worries me ... not progressing as much as i want... very slow and i'm just so scared that i can't cover everything... some ppl have told me that stress is written all over my face even though i don't say much... i'm trying to keep it in so as to not let it affect others around me... even though how frustrated i feel inside... but it's for the consideration of others... i slept at about 2 and woke up around 3 this morning surprisingly wide awake... tried reading... but the heater has dried my eyes that i can't even open it properly... which resulted to me making myself sleep again... i know my body needs rest i'm trying to give it rest too. there is a high tendency that it's gonna break down soon... my presistant cough that comes almost every morning and other times when it's cold has not gone away... i'm looking forward to going home to recuperate... for now... i wish god would give me more concentration power... i need it...