Saturday, September 18, 2004

Begining of the 2 week break

I finally cleaned my salsa shoes... !!! believe it or not... sat down on the cool carpet floor, used my trusty dynamo and tooth brush and started scrubbing... see can't let ppl see wad state has my shoes turned into ya? i manage to get most of it off though... it still looks a little dirty but no choice that's the best i can do... my salsa craze has come back again hahahahah started dancing to salsa music for practice for my sat's salsa social night thingy hahaha... finally i can get to salsa... don't know how it' would go though... cause you know lah here the salsa scene not really good and i think most of them would be like going there just to see ppl dacne or something don't think alot of them would know how to dance.

It's the start of the 2 week break!!! hahaha finally i've got time to catch up on my work and stuff and also have a little fun along the way. went shopping today and bought a nice nice ring hahaha just wad i've always been looking for a nice diamond ring :P for the 1st time as well i went out shopping with joanne and ros and deska... always wanted to do that but somehow our timing always clashed so yeah.... i kinda made that one of my goal and done it.

Ooooooo CHIN i went to northbridge today... it's kinda like an area where there are alot of clubs and eating places... yeah and guessed wad! i passed a jazz club and i saw ppl lindy!!!!!!!!! on man!!! i so wanted to go in and watch... i would do that one day though... hahaha it really reminded me of you hahaha and i was telling the rest THAT'S LINDY HOP!!!! and i was teaching idah how do dance alittle of it... oh well... hahaha

tomorrow is another shopping day... remember the sale i was telling you about? well there was such a long queue for it... i think if i were to queue up and pay i would not really have the patience.. but anyway i'll go check stuff out tomorrow so yeah hopfully i can get something... hehe... don't know why i'm in such a shopping mode at the moment.... ok that's all for today!!!
