Saturday, January 20, 2007

Finally after 23 years of my life... my tonsils are out! something that's been giving me so much pain for so long. the amount of times i get sick in a year... countless.... so hope it's all good.... right now.. i'm in so much pain... i can't talk neither can i eat much... even swallowing my own saliva argh!!! but no pain no gain...

This is my first op... ever in my life... the nurses around kept laughing at me... well i think cause of the nevous look on my face... they kept trying to calm me down... lol... the op came and went so quickly... i constantly thought of you to keep my mind off the fear and anxiety. :)

When i woke up i was pushed into this room where other patients just came out from an op as well. This lady didn't even know her operation was over... she actually asked the nurse.. " when is the doctor coming to do my operation" and the nurse then told her that it was all over and done. There was this guy which i labelled Mr Whiney the moment he woke up he kept calling for the nurse non stop saying that he wants to go back to his room and he wants to use the bathroom... the funny thing is that i could hear what he wanted from the other end of the room but the nurses... kinda didn't understand the " i want to use the bathroom bit" and he kept complaining that he feels sleepy... complain complain complain shessh.. how can someone feel sleepy and want to use the bathroom at the same time.. if i was in his shoes... i would be wide awake cause i needed to go so urgently... which at that moment in time i was... so ya! i had to wait for quite sometime before i was pushed out of that recovery ward... the nurses were a great help i felt very pampered... except for the fact that they came every 3 hours to check my blood pressure... which i hated...

couldn't sleep the whole of last night... was in pain and was running a fever.... recieved a few msges from you and it just put a smile on my face.

mummy was so sweet she bought me a basket of flowers.. roses and lilles!! red and yellow both of my fave colours!

next week.. i've got the doc's checkup... so i gotta hibernate for a week... was told not to go to crowded places... hope the pain will be over soon...

Pheli out!