Saturday, April 15, 2006

hmm haven't really written anything in awhile... well cause i'm lazy! anyway... just a little update on what's going on here... went for the rive cruise on the 9th of april got alittle more action then intended.. but oh well... thought last years river cruise was better though... before that in the morning me and mas went up to kings park... we took jacob's ladder... and we had a little mishap... oops... mas had alittle dizzy spell going on after climbing up those stairs.. most prob due to a lack of sugar anyway the view was wonderful... stayed there for like about 4 hrs chatting it was great! one week break is gonna be hell lots to do... anyway here are the pics... laterz!

the stairs that caused the mishap :S

View from jacob's ladder

Another view from jacob's ladder

King's Park

Another pic of king's park

River Cruise

Before we went on the boat, there were a display of firworks, i think it's because there was another event going on.. anyway i took a few minutes of it.. if you guys have the patience to watch it... enjoy!